
Ravensword shadowlands best place to pickpocket
Ravensword shadowlands best place to pickpocket

ravensword shadowlands best place to pickpocket

Doesn't explain how you got away with all the thieving and vandalism you will have inevitably done already though. In The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, a Wind Tribe lady tells you she has so many Kinstones she wishes somebody would take some, explaining why you can go through her house, at least.The Bard from The Bard's Tale insists that he is not this trope, but that he takes items for safekeeping against others of this trope.okay, all players would just sell those items at the store for money. Helpfully, all of the "junk" that The Bard finds (wanted posters of himself, animal hides, etc) will be automatically converted into silver, since the game understands that most. After opening his first chest, the narrator will comment on how horrible it is that The Bard is stealing, and the two will engage in a brief argument over it. Lampshaded in the PS2/Xbox "remake" of The Bard's Tale, right towards the beginning.

ravensword shadowlands best place to pickpocket

Grandpa actually lampshades this by saying that the hero "loves taking things that don't belong to her!" In Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King, most houses have a treasure chest ripe for the taking, and no one cares if you make off with all of it.It doesn't help when the games, in an attempt to encourage the player to explore and Talk to Everyone, hides useful items here and there all over the towns. In populated environments, this makes the hero come off as a bit of a kleptomaniac. When games started to move into different modern settings, though, the need to MacGyver up a solution to a puzzle from found items remained, and thus it stayed necessary to pick up everything you could find, especially since absolutely essential items were Permanently Missable unless you grabbed them while you still could. The hero was typically at least tangentially a treasure hunter, so looting ancient caverns was part of the job description. When gaming began, and pretty much every game was Dungeon Crawling, this made sense.

ravensword shadowlands best place to pickpocket

As much as the motto for the FPS is, " If it moves, shoot it," the motto for the Adventure Game and Role-Playing Game is, "When it's dead, loot it." or "Take everything that isn't nailed down or too heavy, and anything that can be pried loose is not considered nailed down." (The latter advice appeared in the general strategy section of Infocom's manuals.)

Ravensword shadowlands best place to pickpocket